“Divine Preparation” - Bro. Tony Washington - Thurs. PM

Brother Tony Washington of Ontario, California kicked off the preaching of the gospel of this monumental “Commonwealth building” meeting with the spirit of the Lord upon him. Since the beginning of time God has always coupled His intense movings amongst His people, with a time of preparation. Preparation proceeds power. Brother Tony flew in the midst of Heaven and awakened the present redeemed of the Lord to the fact that, when we completely follow God’s instructions and heed His voice we are to expect nothing less than the definite manifestation of Himself in our lives individually, and as a body at large. This message deepened the saints in the Lord.

Date preached: 4/20/2000

“Jesus Is All And Your Answer” - Bro. Frank Brewster - Fri. AM

Every human desperately needs Christ. When a person resists Jesus they reject the all inclusive solution to all of the problems of humanity. Brother Brewster of Panama City, Panama through the liberty granted of the Holy Ghost reasoned with the present sinners, to accept the Filler of the void in their heart and simultaneously encouraged the saints as they thought back on the relentlessness of Christ as He apprehended them in their sins. Furthermore, as the church of God, passive experiences, going through the motions, and functioning without the Spirit of God is an unacceptable substitute to Christ in our midst with force. This message advanced the momentum and spirit of the meeting.

Date preached: 4/21/2000

Ordination Service of Bro. Tony Washington - Ministers of The Church of God - Fri. AFT.

Brother Tony Washington had recently taken the oversight of the church of God at Ontario, California. Friday afternoon, the ministerial body felt impressed that it was in the will of God for him to be officially, publicly, and legally recognized in that capacity, by the laying on of hands and a certificate of ordination. Able ministers of the new testament from all over the world shared keen wisdom and instruction to Brother Tony Washington as he would strive to continue and increase in the grace and calling wherein he was granted of God.

Date held: 4/21/2000

“Dealing With Problems” - Bro. Carl Kenerly - Fri. PM

Brother Kenerly (Springfield, Ohio) in one of his last sermons preached in Jackson, with a burden from the Lord took the pulpit the following night. Wherever there are people, there will be problems; including the church of God. In this message Bro. Kenerly masterfully walked the present international gathering of the blood washed, offspring of God through the Scriptures concerning how the church is to resolve its’ issues.

Date preached: 4/21/2000

“The Secret to Christian Victory” - Bro. Milton Browne - Sat. AM

Next up, brother Milton Browne (Far Rockaway, New York) by heavens anointing, delivered the classic church of God message of self-denial and the crucifixion of the old man to the holy congregation. The Christian way requires a lifestyle of disowning one’s own life and a willingness to suffer whatever hardship in our stand for Christ and His principles. Any failure or lack of progression spiritually can be traced back to an unwillingness to deny self at some point.

Date preached: 4/22/2000

“The Distress of Jerusalem” - Bro. Maurice Burton - Sat. PM

Brother Maurice Burton (Columbus, Georgia), with fresh fire from the altar of God transmitted a spiritual shock, through the foolishness of preaching, to all the saved who met in that place. The very spirit of consecration arrested the audience as he lifted up his voice to unreservedly and without hesitation, declare the level of intensity, violence, dedication, and discontentment with our present condition, the seventh seal ministry and saints must operate with to finish the grand work of the end time. A great number of souls, undoubtedly, were awakened to realize the current “Distress of Jerusalem”, and many consecrations were made, as saints filled the altar, and knelt in their seats. The people of God were faced with a daunting challenge and by God’s grace they were stirred to walk in the light of it.

Date preached: 4/22/2000

“They Said Come Down” - Bro. Ron Cavin - Sun. AM

The atmosphere was charged. The message the previous night had a noticeable effect on the spirit of this service. This meeting, could not go out with a whimper, and history confirms that it most assuredly did not. Brother Ron (Springfield, Ohio) with an unction from the throne of God, and his evangelistic gifting, extended a lifeline of hope to all who found themselves in a sinning or backslidden condition. God once again strove with man as Brother Ron reasoned with the hearts of all who found themselves wasting the extreme agony and immense torture Christ endured for the saving their souls. The Holy Ghost was in control, and the saints in old fashion, rejoiced their way all the way through the end of this message. Over 60 souls were delivered from the power of darkness, and translated into the kingdom of His dear Son. Many gospel workers, pastors, teachers, and etc. who we know and minister today were saved and established in this meeting.

Date preached: 4/23/2000

Published by:

Bro. Justice Hampton


1984 Annual Meeting - Jackson, Michigan