Pastor Lee Hampton.
Pastor Lee Hampton serves as the senior Pastor of the Church of God in Jackson, Michigan. He succeeded his late father Pastor Frank Hampton Jr. as senior Pastor on September 1, 2019.
Bro. Lee was ordained into the gospel ministry in 2006. He served faithfully by his father’s side ministering in his home congregation and the greater body of Christ locally, nationally and internationally preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ..
With a deep passion and burden for the kingdom of God, Bro. Lee has made full proof of his ministry conducting many revivals, crusades, and outreach services throughout the United States and abroad edifying the church and leading many lost souls to the saving faith of Jesus Christ.
Bro. Lee is a published author of multiple books including “Sin and the Christian: Is there victory in Jesus” & “Now that you are Saved: Biblical instructions for new converts”.
Bro Lee’s burden is for the church to be all that the New Testament church should be in these end times and for lost souls to be safely brought into the fold of God.
Bro Lee is married to the love of his life Sis. Melinda Hampton and they have nine wonderful children Orlando, Eliana, Justice, Madison, Brooklyn, Blake, Ivory, Gabrielle, and Isabella.