Children Ministries
“Suffer the little children to come unto me.”
Sunday School.
Jesus said, “Suffer the little children come unto me, and forbid them not:" We want you to know that all are welcome to attend Sunday School! With classes available for all children ages 3-18, as well as an adult class, there is something for everyone! We hope that you and your child will join us and learn about the wonderful power of Jesus!
Schedule: Sunday Mornings @ 10:00AM
Friday Night Youth Developmen & Leadership Initiative.
At the Church of God, we value people of all ages! We offer Friday night classes that are intentionally geared to be age-appropriate so that everyone can experience the power of the Gospel! Classes are intended to be a place where children can learn yet have fun, as they continue to grow and navigate through life! We hope that you will join us on Friday nights at the Church of God!
Schedule: Friday’s @ 7:00PM
Vacation Bible School.
The Church of God hosts an annual Vacation Bible School! During this special week in the summer, children can join us at the church where they will learn about God, practice memorization, do projects or crafts, as well as make new friends! Every evening that we meet your children will be provided with a free meal. The busy week of activities is followed by a celebration, where we will have food, games, and fun for all!
Schedule: July 8-12, 2024, 6:00PM - 8:00PM Daily
Contact us.
(517) 812-2019 or (517) 392-7775
140 W South St.
Jackson, MI 49203